Special Commemorative Event to pay tribute to H.E. Dr. Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma
Remarks on behalf of the Nordic countries
Friday 21 February, New York
Distinguished family of Dr. Nujoma, Ambassador Neville Gertze, Excellencies, colleagues,
On behalf of the Nordic countries Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and my own country, Finland, I would like to express our deep-felt condolences on the passing of the great Namibian statesman, the Founding President of the Republic of Namibia, and a Father of the Namibian Nation, His Excellency Dr. Sam Nujoma.
Dr. Nujoma’s impressive leadership role in Namibia and his struggle against apartheid and towards independence for decades will be always remembered. His legacy is a global testimony of the determination and the will of Namibians and all smaller nations to gain and enjoy self-determination, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The subsequent nation building after independence was unique. Under the leadership of Dr. Nujoma, Namibia chose the path towards One Namibia, and towards peace, stability and prosperity. Dr. Nujoma's immeasurable legacy highlights national reconciliation, democracy, free and fair elections, a new constitution, and a path towards a functioning and economically stable society. Social inclusion has also been an essential part of his nation building, the importance of which cannot be overstated.
The Nordic countries are proud of our long history of partnership with Namibia. People-to-people contacts were established already in the 1800s. During the fight for independence, the Nordic countries provided humanitarian, political and diplomatic support. Starting in the late 1960s, many Nordic countries also provided assistance to SWAPO to directly support the liberation struggle.
For decades, the Nordic countries provided support to Namibia through their international development agencies, in various areas that ranged from education to maritime training.
The Nordic countries were among the first to establish diplomatic relations with Namibia. During Dr. Nujoma’s years as president, deep and lasting partnerships were established between Namibia and the Nordic countries, including strong ties at community level.
The late Finnish President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Martti Ahtisaari, who served as the Secretary-General’s Special Representative to Namibia for ten years, shared President Nujoma’s determination to see Namibia independent. Only over a year ago, their paths crossed one final time. Dr. Nujoma, then 94 years old, took a long journey north to Helsinki, to bid farewell to his old friend, who had passed away before him.
Namibia’s cause and President Nujoma’s efforts were closely tied to the United Nations. We believe Namibia’s struggle strengthened understanding of how the UN can, and must, function as a guarantor of the rights of all states, to reach their independence and sovereignty, true freedom and human rights, and development and prosperity.
The Nordic countries stand by Namibia during the time of sorrow. We are committed to continuing our cooperation with Namibia both bilaterally, and at the United Nations, supporting together a multilateral system based on international law. Even today, it remains the only path to lasting peace and prosperity for all independent nations.
I thank you.